Knowing My Limits

Imbolc and the Seoah Citizenship Moon

Tuesday gratefuls: Luke. Rabbi Jamie. New Snow. March. The second month of Adar. Leap year in the Jewish calendar. Kate, my sweetheart, always Kate. The cleaning crew. Vince. My infrastructure folks, as Tom calls them. Becky Chambers. Ada Palmer. Ed Kelly. Psilocybin. THC. Cold Weather. 8 degrees on Shadow Mountain. Fatigue. Weakened stamina. Prostate cancer.

Sparks of Joy and Awe: Orgovyx and Erleada

Tarot: Knight of Vessels, the Eel


House cleaned. New workout proceeding. Back to five days a week. Still fatigued. Started thinking about this last night.

Why do I continue being fatigued? Well. Testosterone as low as it can go. Sarcopenia from meds and aging. Lower o2 saturation due to post-polio and high altitude. Hypothyroidism. Outside of that I’m full steam ahead. For three or four minutes.

My stamina has improved. Still not great, but better. Fatigue, too, for that matter. They’re related, of course. I’m working out and that does help. It’s counter intuitive for sure, but yay moving and challenging those muscles. I’m hoping treatment for the hypothyroid condition will give me a boost. March 14th with Kristine.

When Kate was sick, my principle with her was that I would do for her anything she could not do, but I would not do for her anything she could do. Sounds simple, but it’s not.

I do not have all these. But many. No heavy menstruation for example. Or, any for that matter. But, I do have a lot of them.

I apply the same idea to myself. If I can increase my stamina on my own, I’ll do that. But. I can’t make my thyroid right. Or, deal with my prostate cancer without drugs that make me tired. I can stave off some of the sarcopenia with resistance work but I can’t make my bones strong without plyometrics and my artificial knee makes them contraindicated.

Or, I can move furniture around on one level, but not between levels. So, Vince. I can’t hold heavy things up anymore. So, Vince. I could clean my own house, yes, but I’ve proven to myself over and over that it feels burdensome, even loathsome. Better to hire Marina’s crew.

The kitchen remodel. Very far from my thing. Staining the house. Putting in mini-splits. Oh so far away from my thing.

Living alone. I like it. But it does require honestly acknowledging my limitations and finding solutions when necessary. Fortunately, I have adequate resources. Not unending, but enough.

Be like a Lodgepile Pine Branch. When the weight gets too heavy, slough it off and spring back. Be like Maxwell Creek, allow gravity to take you back to the World Ocean. Be like Black Mountain. Stand firm in the midst of Storms, give some of yourself that others might grow, stand out on the horizon of your own life. Be like the Mule Deer, find nourishment up high and down low. Be like the Mountain Lion, hunt carefully and unceasingly for what you need. Be like the Black Bear, when what you need is scarce, slow down, way down and cut back your needs.