Summer Waxing Grandchildren Moon
I decided to take a month off from Latin tutorials. Not from Latin, just the every week preparation of a new chapter. I need to cement my learnings about verb conjugations, pronouns and certain uses of the ablatives and genitive. Also, I need a break from expectations.
Kate’s up seeing her Physiatrist, a regular check up on pain meds. She considers Beewin her medical home since her health issues focus on spine deterioration and arthritis, both of which have pain management and physical fitness as key treatment components.
Over the last two weeks I’ve had an ear infection and pink eye. Good thing this 63 old kid has an in-house pediatrician. I got expert care for these afflictions of the rug rat set. Makes me feel young again, but not in a good way.
Have you caught any of the Washington Post’s report on the US counter-terrorist establishment? It’s a fascinating example of how a genuine problem can breed responses that I’m sure make sense to each person who created each entity. The whole, probably largely invisible in the–I know it’s way overused, but I’m gonna use it anyway–silos of various bureaucracies, is a Hobbesian Leviathan. Hard to know whether to be amused, frightened, outraged or complacent.