Spring Planting Moon
Yes! Planted under the planting moon even if I couldn’t get the bloodroot up for the bloodroot moon.
We have Wally and Big Daddy onions in, 100 sets each. Three rows of beets: Bull’s Blood, Early Blood and Golden. Pickling cucumbers and Dwarf Gray Sugar Snap Peas. Of course there was bed prep, too.
With Kate and I wandering around holding this limb and that a bit tenderly I kept getting the image of a dinner bell, fried chicken and mashed potatoes, perhaps someone playing a little Stephen Foster on the grand piano.
Of all the gardening chores, planting is the most magical to me. That tiny seed. A beet, a cucumber, a pea. Those small plants, a fat onion, or a thick leek. Couldn’t plant the leeks today because the ground is still frozen at about 3 inches down. How about that? April 27th.
Had to cancel the Chicago trip due to Kona’s vet bills. Keeping dogs is a choice and keeping 4 is the same choice 4 times over in terms of food and care. Choices I have made and make cheerfully.