33 62% 39% 0mph windroseWSW bar steep fall dewpoint21 Waxing Crescent of the Snow Moon Ordinary Time
“More common sense can be induced by observation of the diversity of human beings in a small town than can be learned in academia.” – Louis B. Wright
Sherwood Anderson knew the lie in this quote. Observation of the diversity of human beings in a small town can teach us a great deal, but common sense is not often part of it. Winesburg, Ohio is a work that sticks in the memory because, like Spoon River Anthology, it knows the individuals in a small town are just that, individuals, no more imbued with common sense, good sense, or evil, for that matter, than folks in any other place. This quote comes from the following book: Barefoot in Arcadia, University of South Carolina. Might explain the naivete. Or, it might not.
I succeeded in marrying the endurance program of Core Performance with the resistance work. Felt good and will prove manageable.
Getting that get down to work feeling again. The last week or so have seen me immersed in productive activity, but not on point when it comes to writing new stuff. Got waylaid on the marketing/distribution work, so I have to get back to that, but I want to work outside some tomorrow, get started on the firepit. Nice to have choices and good work to choose.