Beltane Sliver Bee Hiving Moon
Bees check this morning. Colony 1 is queenright. Colonies 2 and 3 were not queenright because I had improperly handled the indirect release. The queens were in the cage still, being tended to by the colony so I direct released both of them. At the next hive inspection, I imagine they will be queenright, too. Pollen patties were not depleted, nor even used for that matter. There was still honey in the frames from last year’s hives, so all looks good right now. The bees were calm.
Had a last hurrah with the Titian show, docent colleagues who’d toured it showed up. We discussed how we’d handled certain paintings, noticed things we hadn’t seen before, fun to rehash. Afterward we went over to Rinata’s and had their $20 Sunday evening meal. Tasty.
After that, tai chi, just down Hennepin five blocks. Was I not ready for what happened tonight. I positioned myself on the end of the line and, being alone, totally lost my place, forgot moves I knew well. I’d practiced and practiced this week.
Dropping the moves out of my consciousness created a sense of panic, one I know well. My brain tells me: leave, leave, leave. It’s a sort of red klaxon at work. A tight chest. I don’t like to fail. At anything. And this is for stress relief? Well, not for me. Not tonight. I calmed myself down, changed positions and tried to keep my head in the class. It was hard.
Afterward I talked with teacher. She reassured me. Told me chaos often proceeds a break through. Told me that she was totally confused in her first ten weeks. That she’d get me confident. I felt flushed and embarrassed when she told me I had to concentrate on keeping my hips together. I though I had been. Again, I don’t like to be doing something poorly. There is of course motivation here, yes, but there’s also fear and avoidance.
On the drive back I just drove, listening to Wolf Hall, a very good novel about Henry the VIII, Cardinal Wolsey and Thomas Cromwell.